Yes, you read that right... Day three to Day eight... consider it a wink. 
Today is a new day.

And every little thing

will be


Yes, I skipped a few days. Why, you ask? I couldn't tell you.

You see the past few days have been hectic for me. Busy with working overnight shifts, when I'm usually working day shifts.... Busy doing an extra day of work, shooting photography for a beautiful wedding I was lucky enough to be a part of.... Fun, but full of "to-do's" and I didn't sit down much at all that day. 

All of this yes, is stressful. Yes it's work. Yes it takes time. But I've realized that one of the things that would've helped me to feel back to my normal self, back to my baseline, would've been to meditate. Five, ten minutes and I know I'd feel a thousand percent better and less stressed. Because meditation helps me to feel like myself again when I find I'm doing things for other people too much. It's a way for me to wash away the "junk" that doesn't matter and find my inner peace again. That's a huge reason why I love it and want to make it a daily practice. 

So knowing the benefits and knowing the last few days I REALLY needed to meditate, why didn't I? I resisted. I chose to not meditate. 

I thought about it a lot. 

But I made a choice not to. 

Not a choice I'm proud of, but one I had full power over. Now I see. Now I know.

I think my resistance comes from a place of being so comfortable with pain and struggle, that doing things like meditating, that feel GOOD and peaceful, make my mind feel uncomfortable. It's not my norm. It's not what I'm used to and therefore, it seems scary.

Let me say again... it SEEMS scary. It's not, really, scary. What's to be afraid of? The nothingness? hehe 

But our minds often trick us into believing that the unknown is frightening and to be avoided. This is what I'm coming up against lately. And this, I believe, might be the time some BIG changes occur. 

I'm going to resist resistance to meditate. I'm going to do it no matter what I feel, or what it seems like I feel. Because sooner or later, I'm going to realize it's full of beauty and love and peace...I'm going to FEEL that and know it's my truth. I'm going to allow it to wrap me up like a loving blanket and accept it into my world. 

And when I do, I'm going to once again see how powerful change can be. I'm going to prove to myself, as I've done through many other transformitive moments, that I can CHOOSE who to be, what to do, what to believe and how to live my life, by my own standards. My own will and my own power is what makes that change. And I CAN. 

Ps. I did meditate today to a different meditation off the books from the "challenge." But it felt right and I was so very happy to have done it! Today was the third time I've meditated after working out and stretching. I lie in a pool of my own sweat with a smile on my face and a deep breath in my lungs and feel greatful for m

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