
     "I am a wondrous miracle of life."

Today's meditation was delayed. I had a resistance to doing it yesterday morning, as I intended to do. Nothing seemed to be in my way. I woke up early, I ate my breakfast, sat down to do my meditation, and instead was enveloped in all other social media; emails, messages from friends, etc... It felt like I had to "time" to do my meditation and before I knew it, it was time to leave for work! I told myself I'd do it after work, no problem, but as most of us do, when we don't plan something in our schedules or when we don't do what we schedule to do, we simply forget. I went to bed remembering I hadn't accomplished my goal today, of doing one meditation every day for 21 days. I felt like I let myself down and my inner voice was beating me up. 

Ps. This is not a good way to ease into dreamland for a good night's sleep. 

So today I have decided to do two meditations, one from yesterday and one, as scheduled, for today. 

But first, I want to mull through what that resistance was yesterday. Why do we distract ourselves from what we say we really want? Meditation could be replaced by so many other things, like changing your job, putting yourself "out there" for finding love, saving money, starting a new habit (such as meditation), or quitting a bad habit... We tend to resist the change. And I think that's all it was for me yesterday - Fear of change. 

Well, lets start again, back on track, a new day, a new moment, a day with less fear, a day with an open mind and an open heart....


"Our capacity to love and celebrate other people is directly connected to our ability to fully loves ourselves."

Day three's meditation is all about excepting oneself with love and appreciation for who we truly are. Realizing we are each miracles is the most powerful statement for me, because I've come from a past of self doubt, of "not-good-enough" feelings and this all results in self criticismIt and frustration with who I am (thinking I have to change x, y or z to be someone "special"). In this way, I needed this meditation to remind me that YES, I am a miracle. 

We are all miracles.

"Relationship with oneself... Excepting oneself allows the whole world to except him/her..."

It's a miracle that I'm here, alive and well. It's a miracle I've been through my past struggles, traumas, loss and heartbreak, but also that I've triumphed through obstacles, overcome roadblocks and have made the conscious choices to be who and where I am today, despite it all. 

We all can look into ourselves to find these tiny miracles that make up our complete self. Although we are not our past, our future or our experiences  truly. We are Spirit, our inner Higher Self. This I am learning to know.

Accepting who we are with love and appreciation... "We have the opportunity to love, accept and celebrate ourselves."

Day three's mediation came with resistance for me. And it seems fitting considering the topic. I have resistance to knowing myself. Perhaps I'm afraid I'll find someone who's really "not good enough" as my ego has lead me to believe... Perhaps I'm afraid of what it will feel like to let go of all those false attachments to myself and be FREE to be me, Spirit, whole....Love. 

"We are made of the same essence as the angels, the stars and God himself."

It may take time to break down those false beliefs about who I am and what I deserve in my life. After 30+ years of having those beliefs drilled into my conscious  I shouldn't expect to change overnight and let love fully in. But little by little, with help from my "tool bag" where meditation is one of the "tools," I'll get there, someday.

I absolutely love the thought that Deepak provided in today's meditation. It feels like a affirmation that would be an amazing reminder to love and accept myself. That it's a choice, not a prison. That I have power to believe in myself and therefore others will follow suit.

"Today, I choose to except myself. I choose to be aware of what it is like to simply be, without self judgement. I choose to live each moment, knowing that I AM is enough to sustain me forever. I choose to sit quietly and open my heart to myself, expanding until my being fades into the infinite. Today, I behold myself and know deeply that my capacity to love others, and for others to love me, is directly connected to my capacity to love myself. Today, I choose love." 
 "I am a wondrous miracle of life."


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