"I am a radiant spiritual being."

Today's meditation is all about reconnecting with who you are, at the spiritual level. The spiritual being that I am is actually truer to my "real self" than any other labels I can box myself into, from my day to day life, (wife, work etc.), and also from my past, (unworthy, undeserving, unintelligent, etc.). All of these labels are either roles I choose to play or roles I choose to allow myself to believe...

"Spirit includes love, compassion, equanimity  joy, creativity  intuition and bliss..."

When meditating I always seem to remember myself, my truest self, my Spirit, my Soul... That personal realization is key for me to be my best self, and therefore give my best self to others. Rather than listening to my inner critical thoughts, I can listen to my inner Spirit, that only comes from love and compassion... There is no game, there is no agenda...

"When you turn your attention to the one who is observing you are connecting to your Spirit, your Higher Self, Source, your Soul..."

It's difficult in today's day in age to remember we all are really spiritual beings having a physical experience. When our lives are too overloaded with work, tasks, jobs or things we "think" we need to or should be doing, we loose touch with what really is. I'm beginning to understand this. I'm learning to have faith in the fact that I already have inside whatever it is I am in need of, everyday.

"Let go of the struggle and endless quest for improvement, but instead be open to your true self..."

Today I'm going to take intentional time out to connect to my Spirit. A minute here or there, especially when I'm thrust into the rat race of daily work or other stressors, can make all the difference in how I perceive my world.


“The one you are looking for is the one who is looking.” —Francis of Assisi

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