So, I've been a fan of Oprah for years....

(Really, who hasn't??! That woman is an incredible inspiration!)

I've also discovered Deepak Chopra in the last few years while walking my journey of personal development. 

These two individuals have put in place a wealth of knowledge to a great many people in helping to transform lives through the power of love, experience and sharing.

So.... When I heard they were getting together to do a 21-day meditation challenge, I was hooked!

Meditation for me has deeply enhanced the way I view my life and my purpose in it. Besides the physical, mental and emotional benefits to meditation, it just seems to me an almost necessary tool to use in my daily life. As like many people, I've struggled with anxiety in my life. Exercise and diet have helped me to feel physically more at balance, but part of anxiety is that your mind runs constantly, worry sets in and fear lives out loud. Sometimes even a run or a good weight lifting session can't quiet that beast! 

In the past I've meditated, but sporadically... I now am ready to make it a habit.

So this is why meditation has appealed to me. I know by making it a habit I will only benefit. Hopefully I will learn to be more gentle with myself. Hopefully I will learn to balance my life in a more anti-anxiety way.


Through this 21-day challenge I intend to add meditation into my daily practice, as a habit, a daily ritual, so that I learn to be more open as a person in all the relationships I have with others, become more clear on the person I am and allow room for reflection, focus and balance in my life.

“The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.” —Buddha

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