Growing Where Planted (GWP) came to mind by way of natural instinct. By this I mean, it just felt "right" and true to where I was at (or where I am, or where I'll be...) in my life...

Being the summer months now, I've been enjoying my outdoorsy activities, especially gardening.

I've even started a serious herbal collection that greet me everyday when coming home, perched upon the front deck's banisters whispering......

"Hey, you! Yes, you there! Smell me! Cook with me! Notice Me!!" ---- and I do!

I look to those herbs as a reminder of how if I can grow plants I surely can grow within myself.

If you too garden you know that the plants we grow all hold such power, such magic! When we get to witness them flourish from seed to sprout to bud to plant to produce. It amazes me how resilient they are and how courageous they are.

Direct inspiration from Momma Nature!

Recently, last week, where I live, we had a flash flood disaster strike our area; the most devastating of it's kind in the history of our city. Roads, homes, state parks, cars, trees and more were destroyed. My family was affected in a small way, but many others were not so lucky.

Through it all, plants, nature and we, as it's inhabitants, survived, pressing on.

I have been reading daily words of wisdom from an amazing book recommended to me, called "Simple Abundance" by Sarah Ban Breathnach, in which she highlights an area of a person's life, invoking deep, thoughtful, mind-blowing inner discoveries. Today I read one that left me breathless, literally....

You know, that feeling where words are speaking directly TO you, ABOUT you, like they are coming FROM you? A feeling of Ahhhhhhhhhhhh........ And YESssssssss!

Sarah explains the importance of repotting your precious plants so that their roots have rooooooom to grow, allowing fresh, nutrient-dense soil to aid in their life replenishment.


Little tid-bit for you,and something I didn't know before: Plants need to be repotted every two years. Huh. I better get to it then because my poor plants are POT-BOUND!

But as lovely as the plant tips were, she dives deeper into the repotting process, stretching it beyond plants and into your own self... Here's an excerpt:

"We too, need to consider repotting for growth. But when? When we wilt even before the day begins. When we can't seem to visualize or dream. When we can't seem to remember the last time we laughed. When we have absolutely nothing in the next twenty-four hours to look forward to. When this happens, week in, week out, we need to realize that we're pot bound. We need to gently loosen the soil around our souls, find something that sparks our imagination, quickens our pulse, brings a smile or a giddy lilt to our conversations."

Lately I've had the itch to change.

The urge to do something different.

Something exciting!

Calling my name...like those beautiful herbs in my garden...

Renewing my self. Starting fresh, but not over.

I feel like repotting myself.

"To let yourself flourish, you must leave room to GROW wild!" - quote from yours truly :)