"Be a Lamp, or a Lifeboat, or a Ladder.

Help someone's soul heal.

Walk out of your house like a Shepherd."


I often forget that I'm not alone on this Earth. The struggles & stumblings I encounter have been experienced by many others before me and will be experienced by many others after me. In fact, at this very moment, it is possible that there are multiple people experiencing hardships and frustrations at the same time, miles or oceans apart.

Perhaps you too, feel alone sometimes. As if you're the "ONLY ONE" and no one else could ever understand. Is this really true? Out of the millions of people living on Earth, can there really be no one out there that has never gone through what you're going through? Or no one who, at the least, understands?

Loneliness, used as a punishment throughout history as Solitary Confinement, has tremendous torturous affect on an individual. The negative impact on a person's mental state has been proven. This confinement has been described as  "virtual incubators of psychoses—seeding illness in otherwise healthy inmates and exacerbating illness in those already suffering from mental infirmities." Yet even these individuals are not truly alone. There are numerous inmates in Solitary Confinement all over the world, together, but separated in walls of darkness. Does this make the experience any less difficult?

I imagine myself in my self induced Solitary Confinement, all the while in the comfort of my home. I can feel out of touch with the world, with family or community, simply because I won't go out and interact with others. Today's day in age we are equipped with an assortment of ways to connect to others and with others from any area of the world, by a simple sequence of buttons we push. But why, then, do we sometimes still feel alone-ness? How can this be? Is it possible that the abundance of connection possibilities is actually driving us more into feeling alone?

I need my alone time. In fact, I thrive on the quiet, peace and solitude I soak in. But I would go insane without interaction from others, this too, being a necessity. In the recent years I have begun to take relationships with others more seriously, recognizing the importance they play in my life and others lives around me. I have reached out in ways I never thought I would, such as joining a woman's circle group online and starting up a business with my husband. This connection to others is Sacred and something to place at the forefront of a "healthy life" along with exercise, nutrition and mental health. Connection is magical and the resources we have accessible to us, such as the world wide web, provides an abundant blessing to us!

Putting yourself "out there" is the first step and possibly the most difficult, because it includes all the scary things like judgement, first impressions, encountering others energies and attitudes, etc... But it also comes with a waterfall of endless experience, yours and others that are shared with you.

When I was a little girl I was told that "anything is possible."

Those words were burnt on my brain and I took it very literally. Anything I dreamed of was possible. I wonder if anyone has walked on top of that bridge before? If anything is possible, than, Yes! I wonder if rabbits can fly? Yes!

I have to admit, I still think about this when I hear insanely interesting things that happen, and say to myself, "well of coarse that happened, anything is possible!"

It is possible you are NOT alone. It is possible that what you are feeling, what you're going through, struggling through, or soaring through... Someone out there is also experiencing right this moment!

That, to me, is a giant breath of relief. A warm hug from the Universe, telling me it is possible that all will be okay and we all will come out on the other side. You, my dear, are not alone. We are all Sacredly connected through water, air and over mountains.

Love & Light,
