The BIG day....

Can you say......... HURRRRRRAY!!!!! YIPPIEE!!!! YES!!! and WHOLLY TOLITO!!!??


13.1 miles of one-foot-in-front-of-the-other, "stompin' pavement" (as a friend says), good ol' time!

Yes, I did.

I'm a Finisher.

I'm a Radiant Running Rockstar!


(ok, so can you tell I'm happy?!)

The Start to the Finish

Before I begin to tell you how "race day" started, let me fill you in on the days leading up to, as this crazy journey unfolds.....

Training for this Half Marathon was not my best. Typically you start training 15 weeks out and the program I was using required me to run most days of that period, usually a minimum of 3 miles on average weekdays, longer runs (7-8 miles) on the weekends.

As you can imagine, this is a big time investment, not to mention the mental determination to get your running shoes on ev-rah-day!

My training started out with a bang, hitting the treadmill or pavement on schedule to get in those miles.

But about a month and a half out my motivation tanked.

"WTH?" I thought to myself over and over... I just didn't know why, but I wasn't feeling running, even with the nice Spring days and sunshine...

Then there was my lovely ankle injury, which you can read more about from my previous blog post on Limitations...

A few weeks back I excepted a extra shift at the hospital I work at, which meant I'd be working a double (7am - 1130pm) that day. I didn't put the dates together in my head, and turns out my double shift would be the day before my half marathon race! UGH!

Needless to say, I got through my double shift, went to bed by 1230pm-1am and my alarm broke my peaceful dreaming slumber at a wonderful 4:14 am... GOOD MORNING TO ME!

Feeling like a truck ran me over (even before the race!) I quickly got ready and scurried out the door, driving myself to the bus pick up area.

*The start of the race is blocked for traffic, so the only way to get to the start line is by bus*

Standing in front of the bus, I see other Half Marathoners lined up to board. Now I see a flashback of my bathroom... my BIB number (the number runners wear on their shirts), lying on the floor.....

I forgot my number. Bleepedy-Bleep-Bleep-BLEEEP!

How does one forget the most important thing to prove they're in the race??! Seems if it was going to happen to someone, it would be me!


Lucky for me they didn't stop me from boarding the bus and once I sat down.....I thought, "WHEW...that was close!" BIG sigh of relief.

SO, that's how my morning started.... Now on to the RACE!

Above: The line up! There were close to 6,500 runners in the 1/2 marathon! See that white banner far far ahead? That's the start! It took me over four minutes once the gun shot went off to cross the start!

Me all lined up ready to go! ------------------------------------------------->

(This is after I had to wait in line for 40 minutes just to use the bathrooms!)

The Race of my dreams....

The race itself was really, really fun with the crowds cheering, dogs and kids watching us pass by, the endless amounts of water, poweraid, bananas, oranges and strawberries, and the great live music consisting of anything from piano, trumpet, chello to bagpipes! There were cow bells, lots of motivational posters and signs and photos being snapped everywhere. It truly feels like you're a super star out there!

Ready, Set.....GO!

Starting off, I was feeling good! Miles were rolling by, my ankle was feeling fine and I had my tunes blasting in my ear buds... Lady Ga Ga, Gorillaz and Sigur ros (LOVE)..

By mile marker 7 I was feeling progressively tired and mostly dehydrated with a dry mouth. Each water station I grabbed a drink and felt a boost of energy.

In the 11th mile I was feeding off the crowd's energy to keep me going. My ankle was sore, but more than that, my knee was giving me hassle. Perhaps favoring my ankle created the knee pain?

No matter, just keep on going!

No way was I going to stop now. "Shut yo mouth body and MOVE It!" :)

Crossing that finish line I was HAPPY and oh, so relieved to be done!

My knee at this point was screaming.
My body was all like "What are you trying to do here??! We need sleep dammit!"

After a volunteer put the medal around my neck, it all sunk in.....

I really did it!

Munching on a bagel with PB!
All wrapped up in my heat sheet
The food and refuel tents
So how did I do?

After all the hassle, the possible set backs, the forgetting my number, the lack of sleep, the injured ankle.......

After doubting myself tremendously.....

After the stress of my poor training and worry if it would be enough.....

After all of it....

Guess what? I call BULLSHIT on it all.

Because this time, this race, I made a PERSONAL BEST record!

I finished in 1 hour 47 minutes!

(luckily I did remember my timing chip on my tennis shoe!!)

Post Race Revelations and Thoughts...

This race has been more than a fun experience.

More than a challenge to overcome....

More than the bragging rights....

This race has been a journey of real triumph and beauty.

I've learned...

* NEVER doubt my ability to do ANYTHING.   Period.

* I am powerful, skillful and amazing.

* I am proud of myself, my body and my mind.

* I am SO grateful to my strong body for carrying me through till the end, even when it said no.

* I have a new sense of hope, clarity and can see endless possibilities for my future!

* Although the goal of completing the race is done, I feel it's actually just the beginning for me.

What's next?

Photo above from 2010 MuckRuckus (I'm the one on the left... Then my brother and three coworkers) We even took first place!

My next physical adventure will be the MuckRuckus this August!

MuckRuckus MS is an unforgettable two days of fun in the great outdoors featuring a 10K - 6.2 mile (with a 5K - 3.1 mile shortcut option) challenge-course through mud, water and muck! Teams and individuals slosh, swing, slip and slide 20-25 obstacles OOZING with muck!

MuckRuckus MS raises funds and awareness for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society!

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